Playing WILL Make You Smarter! Games for Children, Adults and Seniors, plus a FREE Bible Game to test your knowledge.
The games consists of interesting, amusing and challenging subject matter. Choose from Multiple Choice questions and True and False for your enjoyment. Learn fascinating and unique facts that will truly amaze you. You WILL be surprised at what YOU LEARN! Get them all here! |
- The Animal Edition is a hit! Download the App, expand your Animal
knowledge and improve your spelling too!!
- The Young Adult Edition became the most popular edition, specifically designed for 11 year olds and up! - View and Get the Editions that are Right for You - Use your - iPhone/iPad to go to Comet Spelling and download! |
Gordon, a cheerful senior: "I thought this would be a fun and
interesting place to begin." (Children's Edition)
Marlena, 18 year old, after she got the question right and laughed: "Good One. I'm amazed at the things I learned!" Tina, business professional: "I get in trouble because I can't put it down....I neglect my work." Rene', business owner: "The first game I played was the Animal Edition. I loved it!" Steve, Medical Specialist: "I found it addicting. Great variety of sports facts!" Helena, Skin Care Specialist: "You learn so much, even me with the medical background. I learned things I'd forgotten. It really helped me with my spelling." Isabella, University student: "I played the animal game. How funny, who knew that herring communicate by passing gas! Great game. I want to play them all!" |